The IFP-100ECS has four notification appliance circuits that can be programmed for notification outputs or auxiliary power.
The FACP also has a built-in, dual-line digital fire communicator, Form C trouble relay, and two programmable
Form C relays. The firmware has powerful features such as detector sensitivity, day/night thresholds, drift compensation,
pre-trouble maintenance alert, and calibration trouble alert. The IFP-100ECS supports a variety of devices, including
RA-100 or RA-1000 remote annunciators, 5824 serial/parallel printer interface module (for printing system reports), 5496 or
RPS-1000 intelligent power modules, and IDP or SD devices. The IFP-100ECS system is scalable from 50 to 1000 watts
using a distributed amplification scheme to provide the power to the appropriate areas for evacuation coverage.
• 15 Recordable one minute messages that can be mapped to eight ECS buttons.
• Can select ECS message as priority over fire.
• Support of up to seven ECS-RCU’s. The ECS-RCU meets the requirements for a LOC.
• Programmable trigger inputs from an external source, such as a Monaco system, to either the VCM, RVM or 5880. Up to
eight inputs available on the 5880 module.
• Built-in support for up to 99 IDP detectors and 99 IDP modules or 127 SD devices.
• All the features of the IFP-100 Fire Alarm Control Panel combined with an emergency communication system.
• Support for up to eight ECS-50W’s, ECS-125W’s, or ECSDUAL50W’s
(SBUS addressable amplifiers) for a maximum of 1000 watts per system.
• Single enclosure for both fire and emergency control system components.
• On-board supervised microphone.