GWXP95-P XP95-P Photoelectric Smoke Sensor 600 Series

  • Sale
  • $84.59
  • Regular price $146.00


**FCI Products can only be purchased in the State of Florida**

The Gamewell-FCI XP95-P analog addressable photoelectric  sensor  operates  with  the  Gamewell-FCI,  600  Series and  ILI95-E3  Series  Fire  Alarm  Control  Panels  (FACPs).The photoelectric sensor digitally transmits its address and
the chamber’s analog values to the FACP for analysis. The photoelectric  sensor  is  distinguished  by  the  clear  status LED,  which  flashes  red  briefly  when  the  device  is  polled and turns on continuously when the device is in alarm.

The  XP95-P  photoelectric  sensor  constantly  monitors  its sensing  chamber  and  its  internal  electronics.  The  results are then reported along with the unit’s address through the integral  communications  electronics  located  in  the  sensor
head.  The  XP95  photoelectric  sensor  utilizes  a  patented smoke  chamber  and  infrared  smoke  sensing  design.  The infrared emitter generates a burst of light every second, or in response to direct interrogation.  In  clean  air,  the  photo  diode  receives  no  light  from  the emitter because of the arrangement of the chamber. When smoke enters the chamber, it scatters light from the emitter onto the photo diode receptor in proportion to smoke characteristics and density. As the smoke content in the chamber  increases,  the  signal  from the  photo  diode  receptor increases.  This  information  is  processed  and  conditioned by  an  on-board,  advanced-technology  ASIC  and  digitally transmitted to the FACP


• Compatible with the following Gamewell-FCI analog
addressable fire alarm control panels
–  600 Series
–  ILI95-E3 Series
• Fits in 4.0" (10.16 cm) or  6.0" (15.24 cm) ultra-low- profile E-Z fit      bases
• Includes an audible alarm sounder base
• Contains a four-wire relay base
• Stores the address in the sensor base
• Sets the address by an XPert addressing card
• Provides a two-color status LED
• Offers an infrared smoke sensing design
• Transmits continuous communications
• Includes an optional remote LE